Sunday, August 16, 2009

Buying and Selling Textbooks

Buying and Selling Textbooks at Campus Bookstores

Each semester or quarter, students are required to purchase textbooks for each class. College campuses have bookstores on campus or have affiliations with area bookstores where students are sent to purchase those textbooks. Unfortunately, these bookstores often have higher prices, even on used books, than the prices available at non-college affiliated bookstores. Selling textbooks to campus bookstores is frustrating, since they will seldom offer up to half of the price paid for the book.

Buying and Selling Textbooks Online

So, how does a financially strapped student get the best buy for over priced textbooks? My favorite place to purchase college textbooks is I seldom buy a new textbook, unless it is one I plan to keep. Amazon has a Marketplace where students can buy used books, as well as sell textbooks you no longer need. You set the price, and it will usually sell for more than the college bookstore would give you. For those who are concerned with giving credit card information over the Internet, you might purchase a pre-loaded VISA card, available at most banks and many retailers, for the amount you will need, and use that. Buying and selling textbooks online is simple, and your textbooks arrive at your door.

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