Fortunately, I had homeschooled my son through high school. When he had trouble with algebra, we did a grade level exam and found that he had missed some information from 4th and 6th grade math. Once we went back and addressed those problems, we started with pre-algebra, and he whizzed through all his math courses after that, without much help from mom (since I was not able to do the same work he was doing).
I used his pre-algebra book to relearn fractions, ratios, percentages, review basic multiplication and division, and reacquaint myself with all the stuff you have to learn before doing well with algebra. Because I had worked some with my son while he was learning algebra, my understanding was spotty, but I knew enough to do well on the ACT. I had to pressure my advisor to let me into the introductory algebra class, but will always be grateful I knew myself well enough to insist. I could not have passed algebra without taking the time to work through some pre-algebra work and work through introductory and intermediate algebra.
The textbooks my son used in his high school work, and that I borrowed to help me learn algebra, are available from
College Outline for Pre-Algebra by Alan Wise
College Outline for Introductory Algebra by Alan Wise
College Outline for Intermediate Algebra by Alan Wise
I like these books, because they don’t expect you to understand or know anything. Alan Wise is thorough in his explanations, and the books are not designed to have an instructor helping you understand the material, unlike many school textbooks. They have the material for the chapter, then a section on worked problems that explain step by step how to do the problems, then a list of what you need to have learned, followed by a few pages of problems for you to try. At the very end of each chapter are the answers to all problems, so that you can check to see if you correctly did the work.
I can’t recommend these books highly enough. They helped me make it through my college algebra courses with an A in both introductory algebra and intermediate algebra, and a B in college algebra. If you are having trouble with algebra, I believe these books will help in your efforts to pass algebra.
Best wishes for your success!